Sunday, 12 August 2012

NOTD: Depend Holographic "Plum 2030"

I needed something cheerful for returning to work tomorrow :( ugh, it's really not been long enough of a holiday... And it feels disappointing that the Olympics are over too, I'd forgotten how much I love watching it :) 

This is 3 coats which surprised me - all my other holos have been one-coaters? But the multiple coats with it's jelly quality makes the sparkles truly shine! This photo is the best of a bad bunch - you need to see this in person to fully appreciate it :) The base colour is a lilac, even though it's called 'plum'. Love this - really wish I'd been able to find the pink one "Charm Pink 2029" now!! 

I have got a bunch of samples to try including my Sophyto products, so I will need to work up a plan. I think I will start with the 14 day Garnier Ultralift challenge. Here is the dreaded 'before' shot (please excuse the midge-eaten eyebrow):

I am not sure if I fit into the age group for this test? :) I think I will say I am a 2, and we can take it from there! The scale goes up to 10. 

1 comment:

Emma said...

That polish is SO pretty! I agree about the Olympics, I miss it already! xxx