Tuesday 13 July 2010

NOTD: Zoya "Richelle"

So I have done 5 manis with "Richelle" before, however I still marvel at how bling and sparkly it really is! A must-have gold polish for me! I have done a matching manicure and pedicure with "Richelle" for a wedding reception I am going to tomorrow night, it will go perfectly with my chiffon maxi dress; lets just hope I don't spill some sauce or something down my front during dinner! This is two coats of "Richelle" with MegaShine top coat.

Anyway I had a day off today to do a course on invertebrates so here is a microscope shot of a springtail for you! Very funky wee beasties, one of the oldests invertebrates known.


Zeke said...

Oi! What about my moth then? The polish is very you, btw

Lina-Elvira said...

Forgot about your moth - will re-investigate :)