Look at these lovely polishes I got in a swap parcel from a lovely American lady today!! Oh, possibly the best range of colours I've seen a while! And look at the layering of the week - it's my new Claires "Magic" with a coat of Urban Decay "ID". Divine! :)
Those are I have no idea why I pulled out this gimmicky strawberry-scented French manicure set from Elegant Touch yesterday but I did :) As usual I couldn't be bothered with the tip guides that came with the set, I really have to start using them when I do French manicures on myself - this is a right botched job. Never mind. The packaging says it is strawberry fragranced and it to does smell weirdly of fake fruit; more like those scratch n' sniff stickers you got in the 80's than strawberries however. This farse will come off tomorrow and I'll slick on the astounding Sinful Color "Mint Apple" instead to accentuate my new NW3 by Hobbs leather cuff on Monday :)
I am quite impressed with the rather lovely sparkle-sparkle on that one. It scares me... o.O
I have ID as well, but never thought of layering it on top of a dark polish. Thnaks for the inspiration!!
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