Sunday 20 December 2009

LAYERING: "MIdnight Sky"

This is my NOTD. I am loving the snow, and wanted to celebrate with a festive layering! I started off with 1 coat of Orly "Velvet Rope" over Sally Hansen Nail Quencher base coat. It is a nice dark purple with silver glitter. Due to getting engrossed in the "new" Star Trek movie I forgot to take photos, sorry. It is ultra-slow to dry however, that I noticed after scuffing one nail.

Then I slapped on two coats of the insanely lovely Pure Ice "Cheatin", a purple and red glitter. See bottom photo. Shame it didn't show through more! One day I will wear this as my NOTD over Bloom "Josephine", I have a feeling that would look awesome :)

I then put on 1 final coat of Nfu-Oh "#53". Man, I love those Nfu-Ohs flakey nail polishes, they're probably the awesomest nail polishes in the Universe :)

I call this "Midnight Sky". Not to be compared to the divine OPI "Merry Midnight", which I have asked Santa for :) I've been good most of the year so I am hoping he is listening...

1 comment:

MightyLambchop said...

I love this! I desperately want the Nfu-Oh flakies.