I am finally feeling OK again after a week or so of bad neck pain, and it could be because my first flower of the season has opened - my lovely yellow Petunia "Prism Sunshine"! Also I thought I'd show this cool photo of my Lilac as well.
Anyway, "Copper Coated" is a fantastic bronze with flakies. This is 2 coats and top coat. Lovely formula on this one, opaque and smooth. It is hard to capture the flakies on camera, you just have to trust me when I say that it looks much better in real life!
I'm still waiting for my little gang of 4 Topshops to arrive. This isn't one of them. Silly me.
I don't even know if there's a Topshop in town. That's how old I am! Would I even dare enter if there is one??? Hm.
Jaljen - I'm hardly a spring chicken myself, I wouldn't worry about going into a TopShop! :) There is always online shopping however...
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