I made it through my foot surgery ok, but post-op is a painful event. Guess that's what co-codamol is for... And while getting my analgesics, I also picked up my pre-ordered Chanel "Particuliere" nail polish! :) This colour is so different, and I love it. My boyfriend describes it as "mud or some other building material that you lay bricks with". I think the word he was looking for is "grouting". I am getting totally into the new nudes for s/s 2010, the so-called "greige" trend. I think it all started with Essie "Angora Cardi".

I will do a proper manicure with this, but slightly too much in recovery at the moment to put nail polish on, so I will review some of my Soap & Glory products instead!

I blame my obsession with Soap & Glory on the work colleague who got me a manicure set from the brand for Secret Santa. A fantastic hand scrub, hand cream and a lovely nail file has been grooming my mitts since Christmas. However, my cuticles are seriously dry and cracking still - the weather is again back to snow and cold winds so guess they're just rebelling...
My absolute favourite Soap & Glory is Fab Pore Hot Cloth Cleanser. It comes in a plastic tube with it's own muslin cloth. It smells fantastic as it's loaded with essential oils. To use, rub into the skin with circular movements; keep massaging for about a minute then wet the muslin with hot water, massage it over the skin to remove the product. Amazingly soft and smooth skin is yours! However I wouldn't recommend using it to remove eye makeup - it's quite stingy if you get it in your eye... I use No7 Makeup removing wipes to remove eye makeup then I clean with the hot cloth cleanser to remove the foundation etc. This retails for £9, but it is totally worth it!
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