This has been a most busy week even though I was on holiday, and I've finally got to the point where I can sit down and share my Helmer with you all!! The above is drawers 1-6, top to bottom. I arranged them by brand as I think I would struggle to organise it all if they were arranged by colour group. Drawer 5 is all my treatments and Minx and colour wheels, all the other ones are polish. I had to do a huge cull however before I put them into the Helmer, or I would have struggled to put everything in... I've not actually got a lot of OPI, my most plentiful brands appears to be China Glaze, Rimmel and Barry M! I put IKEA plastic drawer liner in all the drawers to stop the bottles sliding around when you open the drawers.
Secondly, my NOTD - one of the top 10 of my nail polishes - Urban Decay "I.D." This is 3 coats over Sally Hansen Diamond Strength base coat and Sally Hansen MegaShine top coat. This is the only nail polish in my collection that has a backup bottle... I scored some old classic Urban Decay nail polish in Superdrug for a couple of pounds a couple of weeks ago, including my all-time lemming "Bruise". You can look forward to that one later in the week!
You are certifiably crazy
Love that Urban Decay polish. Very pretty. Nice job putting together the Helmer. Is it very hard to do?
Zeke - you know it :)
Lucy - it's actually not that hard! I did have to get some help though after I nearly messed up a drawer haha...
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